v     Our office presenting its services in order to achieve the following duties:


1)       Prevention and minimization of losses:


ô    Take all necessary procedures to keep the goods in good order in addition to recondition the original damaged packages or immediately replacing them.


ô    Asking stevedoring Co. to clean the lighters belong to them from the foreign substances in order to be worthy for loading.


2)       Taking reserves procedures:


ô    State the condition of unsound cargoes and attending weighing procedures at time of clearance.


ô    Attending opening hatches of ship's holds and stating the found damages with ship's master by P. P. V or joint survey with the shipping agency.


ô    Informing the relative parties in case of severe damages in order to take the necessary procedures till issuing our final survey report.


ô    Taking photos to show the condition of the consignment.


3)       Preserving the rights of insurance co.:


ô    Preparing studies on cargoes which registered high loss ratios and concludes the reasons of that in order to avoid them.


ô    Providing studies on some consignees who collect compensation in fraud ways.


ô    Informing the insurance company with the recommendation and suggestions in respect of the packing & packaging of goods in order to take that in consideration in respect of conditions and allowances included in the insurance policy.


ô    Informing the insurance companies in case of double insurance.


ô    Informing the insurance companies in case of ship's transshipment cases in order to collect additional premium.


ô    Verifying the date of build for ships which we are assigned to survey the consignment on, in order to enable the insurance Co. to collect additional premium.


ô    Informing the insurance companies about the consignment which is received into ship's hold although they should be received into containers as mentioned in the insurance policy  to cancel the deduction of "shipping into containers"
